Preparing for Your Stay

What you need to know
We want you and your family to feel comfortable and confident during your stay. Please review the following important information.
Safety is a top priority. We ask that all patients, family members and visitors help us maintain a safe environment by following the code of conduct posted throughout RUSH Specialty Hospital.
We advise you to leave any valuables, jewelry, credit cards, checkbooks or large amounts of cash at home. If you need certain items with you, please speak with our nursing staff for more information.
Visiting hours. 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM daily
Please note: visitors are not allowed in treatment areas, unless they’ve been asked specifically to participate in a training or education session. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
As you prepare for your stay at a RUSH Specialty Hospital, please be mindful of the following:
Critical illness
Hospital gowns will be provided. As patients approach the end of their stay, items needed to relearn tasks (toothbrush, belt, comb, etc.) can be brought from home.
Inpatient rehabilitation
For your comfort, please be sure to bring:
- Pajamas/nightgowns
- Undergarments
- Ribbed cotton socks (non-elastic tops)
- Sneakers or rubber-soled shoes with good support
- Washable, loose-fitting trousers or sweatpants (preferably not denim or corduroy)
- Long/short sleeve shirts or knit tops
- Sweater and/or sweatshirt/fleece
- Outdoor jacket or coat
- Laundry bag and extra hangers
- Toothbrush, toothpaste and denture care products
- Soap, shampoo, conditioner
- Comb, brush and hair products; hair dryer
- Deodorant
- Shaving supplies
- Eyeglasses
- Hearing aids
- Items to meet special needs
- Approved medical equipment
- Home medication list
- Other needed items
Personal itemsIndividuals who use glasses, dentures or hearing aids should bring them. Nurses can provide denture boxes. Please keep all personal items in a safe place.
DO NOT bring: medication, supplements or vitamins from home. If a physician writes an order to bring the patient's medication from home, a nurse will discuss it with you.
Please leave all valuables at home. RUSH Specialty Hospital is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
Firearms, ammunition, knives or other weapons, alcohol, tobacco and vaping products are prohibited in all our hospitals.
Interpreter services. RUSH Specialty Hospital offers care-related interpreter services free of charge for patients with limited English proficiency and services for individuals with other communication difficulties.
Telephone service. Individual phone service is provided free of charge in patient rooms. Instructions for its use vary by hospital. Staff will explain the procedure to you. The use of personal cell phones is permitted throughout the hospital except in therapy gyms or treatment areas.
Television. In-room, basic area cable service is provided free of charge. Televisions are also located in lounge areas for your enjoyment.
Wi-Fi. Free Wi-Fi service is available using our guest wireless network “enterpriseguest.”
Personal devices. Cell phones, laptops or personal music/video players are permitted in your room or appropriate public areas. They are not permitted in therapy gyms or other treatment areas. Battery-operated items, such as razors and radios, are permitted. Electrical appliances are prohibited.
Mail. Mail is delivered daily, except Sunday and federal holidays. Outgoing mail can be dropped at the at the nurses' station or main reception desk.
Balloons and flowers. Fresh flowers and live plants are not permitted in intensive care or pulmonary patient rooms.
Smoking. The use of tobacco products is not permitted anywhere on RUSH Specialty Hospital property, including: parking lots, patio areas, sidewalks, walkways, other outdoor spaces or in any vehicle while on our property. Similarly, no candles or devices with open flames are permitted inside the building.
Alcohol and drugs. The possession or use of alcohol or illegal drugs is not permitted under any circumstances and will subject the patient to discharge. If an individual would like counseling for drug or alcohol dependency, we will refer him/her to a psychologist.
Our relationships with patients and their families are based on mutual respect, trust and understanding. It is the foundation of a successful experience. To help optimize your recovery and make your stay at RUSH Specialty Hospital as rewarding as possible, we ask you to abide by the following guidelines:
- Please provide staff with all relevant information necessary to develop and implement your plan of care and ensure coordination of insurance and medical benefits.
- We encourage you or your family member to ask questions about your care plan. An informed patient is the cornerstone of safe and effective treatment.
- You may be responsible for a portion of your bill for services provided, depending on your insurance coverage. You are obligated to fulfill your financial commitments.
- Please assist us in maintaining a safe and quiet healing environment. Be respectful of other patients, staff, hospital policies and property.
- All patients are expected to be active participants, following the agreed-upon treatment plan and clinical instructions.
- Observe posted visiting hours and rules. Note that family members and/or caregivers will be provided with specific information if training or education sessions are scheduled.
Any Questions?